How to Clean and Maintain Your Patio Stones So They Last Longer

Your patio is one of the standout features of your property and keeping it clean should be part of your regular lawn maintenance. Making sure that your patio stones or pavers are in good condition can extend the life of your patio and make your landscaping investment stretch a few extra years. Over time, patio stones can become coated with a layer of dirt or mould, and the gaps between stones can become a breeding ground for weeds, moss, and other plants.
Regularly sweeping and lightly washing your patio stones will keep them looking fresh and prolong their life. Every 6-12 months you should invest time to perform a deep clean of your patio stones. A hose with a nozzle attachment may be sufficient, but if your patio looks in dire condition or it hasn’t been cleaned in a while, you may need a pressure washer and some extra cleaning products.
Regular Maintenance
Cleaning your patio should be part of your regular lawn maintenance. Removing dirt and debris on a regular basis will save you added hassle in the long run. A simple sweep and hose down can dislodge dirt and weeds and prevent them from becoming long term tenants of your patio. A weekly sweep will go a long way in preventing strenuous cleaning jobs down the road.
Pressure Wash
If you’re lucky enough to have access to a pressure washer, this can make your backyard cleanup a whole lot easier. Not only will a pressure washer remove majority of the dirt and grime that has built up on your patio stones, but it can also remove weeds and unwanted plant growth from the gaps in between the stones. One thing to consider when using a pressure washer on patio stones, however, is that you want to avoid going parallel to the gaps with your water stream. You may end up dislodging more than you intend and knock the stones loose if you dig too far.
Patio Wash
If you don’t have a pressure washer, you can use a deck brush with firm bristles and a bucket of warm, soapy water. Before doing this, be sure to pick your weeds out as best as possible to save yourself the wet, green mess that might result. There are patio cleaning detergents that you can purchase, or a bucket of warm water with a few drops of dish soap may be enough for the job as well. Try to avoid using a brush with wire bristles so that you don’t scratch your patio stones.
Polymer Sand
If you want to prevent weeds and other plants from growing back in the future, you should apply a polymer sand coating to your patio. Once activated, this sand bonds to your stones and prevents plant growth in the gaps of your patio. When sweeping the polymer sand into the gaps, make sure that you clear the excess sand completely from the surface of your patio stones before applying water. The sand can be a royal pain to remove from your stones once it bonds.
Final Thoughts
Your patio is one of the premier features of your yard. It’s something that you want to keep in good condition so that you get the most enjoyment out of it. The difference between a ratty, overrun-looking patio and a patio that is the star of your yard may just be a thorough cleaning. A deep cleaning once or twice per year and regular upkeep will save you time and money down the road, as well as keep you smiling while enjoying the summer months on your pristine backyard patio.
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